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Questions and Answers

This page will be used to list questions posed by and answered by members.

Q) Where can I find tips and tricks about my iPad?
​ A) click here

​Q. Where can I find some help managing my passwords?
​A. Click here for a review of free password management software in pdf format.
     Don't have Adobe reader for reading pdf files, click here 
for download.

​Q. What are cookies and how are they used?
A. Cookies contain data that websites use for a number of reasons, and get stored on your computer.  Google will use them when you do a search, helping to make it faster when you go to the same site again. Hotels use them to remember your choices and preferences. Some are called tracking cookies, and track where on their website you have been. Cookies are small files containing key information, such as your name, and information pertaining to a website. The cookies are written to your computer when a website gets loaded. They help the website customize the display, next time you return to that site.

Q) How do I turn Cookies on or off?
A) It depends on the browser you are using. However, generally speaking the setting is found in the privacy setting of your browser. In your browser, select Tools, and internet options.

​Q) How can I speed up my computer?

 A) For some options to help speed up you computer, click here.


​​​​​​​​​​​​Q) How can my Outlook emails be automatically marked as read?
A) Select Tools, the Options, then Other and select reading pane. In this box you can set “mark items as read in seconds. You enter the number of seconds. You can also set it to “when selection changes”.

Q) How do I set WORD 2010 to single spacing?
A) With WORD open, select Home, then select change style, then set style, and select Word 2003.


Q) How do I email someone a picture?
A) You need to know where the picture is stored. It may be in a folder on your hard drive, or in your camera, or other media. In your email, select attach file. Where you find this option will depend on the email software you are using. Next you will navigate to where the picture is stored, and select it. Your email will create an attachment to be sent when you click send.




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